TW Fundamentals Individual Modules Registration (Apr-Jun, 2024)
FEE AMOUNT MENTIONED IS IN INDIAN CURRENCY. For payment, use QR code to pay if you have accounts in any bank in India. Otherwise, use the other option of third-party payment.
Full name will be used in your Certificate. Please write carefully.
Required Google/Gmail ID.
You need to enter your LinkedIn URL.
Select all modules that you want to attend and make a combined payment for the amount as displayed under Total. Mention name of modules in the Comment.
$ 0.00
Amount mentioned In Indian Currency
Scan the QR code to make payment using UPI or NetBanking transfer. You can also directly use the TWT QR code: paytechwriters@icici.
Amount mentioned In USD. Pay 50/100/150/200 USD to TWT PayPal account and enter transaction details in the Message box below. Use this URL to make the payment:
Mandatory: 1. Enter your transaction ID. 2. Verify that you have rightly selected the checkboxes of only those individual or weekly courses for which you have selected the payment option and made payment. 3. Mention the name of weeks or tools here if you have selected any option starting with ANY OF..