Tech writers spend most of their time using authoring tools to create, edit, and publish documentation. Authoring tools are the foundation on which documentation is built. Authoring tools include word processors, help authoring tools (HAT), Content Management Systems (CMS), and Component Content Management Systems (CCMS).
Types of authoring tools
Tech Writer’s Tribe conducted a survey to find out which tools are used by technical documentation team members. 529 participants from 78 cities in 12 countries participated in the survey. The survey had six primary sections and the results were divided into 16 categories. The categories include authoring tools, image/video/illustration tools, API documentation tools, CMS, CCMS, Docs as code process tools, versioning tools, and In-App tools.
The survey includes reports about tools used for the following:
View and Download the complete report as a PDF file. To access the PDF file, access Tech Writer’s Tribe App and navigate to Tools Category.
“Tools evidence the limitations of our bare hands. But they also evidence the creativity of a determined mind.”
- Craig D. Lounsbrough
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