TWT Course registration

DITA Certification Course registration (Feb 8-March 9, 2025)
Enter details to register for the TWT DITA Certification course. Please make sure to enter the transaction ID in the Comment box. For group registration of 3 or more, one person can pay and mention the following for others in the Message box: 1. Full Name 2. Mobile Number 3. Email ID 4. Company Name 5. City
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The same name (First and Last) will be used on your certificate.
Must be a Google/Gmail ID.
Preferably a WhatsApp number to be added in the WhatsApp group for course.
Payment options
Select the option suitable for your payment
Select your payment category
Select your payment category
1. If you are registering as a group of 3 or more participants, make a combined payment and enter the name, email ID, and mobile number of all the other members. 2. Enter any requests or your message for TWT Team.
1 Comment
  • Vijayapriya Gokul Prakash
    Posted at 21:35h, 01 March Reply

    Thanks for sharing knowledge by conducting courses.

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