Brainy Bits

Clues: Level 1


8. Have to wrap up before the holiday, please ____ accordingly.(4)

13. Pay digitally if you don’t have this. (4)

14. Very pale, “as+hen” (5)

15. A scientifically ____ fact (6)

16. A body part….ends with high (5) ←

17. A flowchart explains this well. (7)

19. The ____ element in XML or HTML (4)←

20. Technical writing tool or a help from robot (8)

21. Working together, starts from the first part of “collage.” (11)


8. An asset or a possession (8)

14. A software development methodology (5)

15. JD:  Ability to take ownership of the _____ (7)

18. Able to be read (8)

22. Expressing oneself clearly, an art starts with “art” (10) ↑

23. Do it where you stop reading (8) ↑

24. Don’t judge a book by this (5) ↑

25. Remove the “L” from, and do it to be “literate” (7) ↑


Cryptic Clues


8. A or B? Good to have a back up! (4)

13. Sounds like computer memory.. always ready in your wallet.

14. The ornament of an Indian yogi, maybe, adds a fowl for sacrifice.” looks pale indeed”!! (5)

15. The oven with a PR to start with! Needs no evidence!(6)

16. Elephant pants will cuddle this in comfort!! A “high T“ jumbled with Pad Thai! (5)←

17. Extra tax at the end!! Begin like a Pro! (7)

19. The Markup tree delves deep with this(4) ←

20. No writer’s block this! Hero help! RA-ONE?(8)

21. Team up …labor to elaborate(11)


16. It may be proper to have tea at the end and make it an asset! (8)

15. No waterfall ahead ! Let’s quickly make changes midway! (5)

18. Doctor’s prescription is usually not this?

22. “Friends Romans Countrymen….” This was Mark Antony’s art. Can you thus…..? (10) ↑

23. Like a comma midway I nestle in your texts!! Mark my words I leave no mark! (8)↑

24. A façade may be deceptive even for books? Dash for it if it pours or caught in firing (5)↑.

25. Perform repeatedly. Stress in a way. Something missing in literate! (7) ↑




13. CASH





19. ROOT












QUIZ - Chew a Slice of This Brainy Bit!
  1. B. Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
  2. A. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Data)
  3. A. Property Sheet
  4. A. Imperative Mood
  5. C. Pair Writing
  6. B. Sprint Retrospective
  7. C. Run-on sentence or comma splice
  9. B. Ann Handley
  10. C. Content Brief
Theme Based FAQs - API Documentation

This quick FAQ section helps you know the new trends, technologies, and tools.

Q. What is meant by API?
API means Application Programming Interface. API is the programming interface that helps sharing and consuming of data between applications.

Q. How does the API communication work?
A .
If there are two applications, A and B, they can communicate using the APIs:

    • Application A can REQUEST Application B for accessing some resources.
    • Application B can provide a RESPONSE to the request. With a response, the request is either approved or rejected.
    • A Resource refers to the data set in an application and is returned as Response.

Q. What are the key types of API?
. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), REST (REpresentational State Transfer) and Webhook are the popular types of APIs.

    • SOAP : Uses only XML for data exchange.
    • REST : Uses JSON/XML/text/image for data exchange.
    • Webhook : Working over the web, Webhooks are data and executable commands sent from one application to another over HTTP that run when an event occurs.

Q. Does an API require access to the Web?
A .
No, not always, access to the web is required only when accessing a web service. Some APIs run within a company’s internal network on internal microservices of the application without needing access to the web.

Q. Are all APIs web services?
A .
No. Not all APIs are web services. But all web services are APIs.

Q. Can any application access any resource from another application using an API?
A .
Yes and No. If an application does not define access rights, any application can access the resources. But, to avoid threat and also to provide selective access, companies use Authentication and Authorization to allow selective access

Q. What do Authentication and Authorization define?
A .
Authentication defines the identity of a requestor and Authorization defines the access level of Application A in Application B.

Q. What is CRUD in API?
A .
CRUD is the abbreviation for Create, Read, Update, Delete – the popular action performed by APIs on applications using the Post (create), Get (Read), Put (Update) and Delete (delete) methods.

Q. What is an EndPoint?
A .
An EndPoint is a URL that provides an exact description about how to access the resource for which the request is sent. The description contains host URL and parameters.

Q. What are parameters?
A .
Parameters are variables used in an endpoint for a resource. Different types of parameters are Query parameters, Path parameters, and Headers.

Q. Does an API fail ever? How does one know about failures?
A .
Yes, like everything else, API fails too. To let users know about the failures, Status Codes are defined. Every status code number informs why an API failed. For success, Status Code 200 is displayed.

Q. Does one need programming or coding knowledge to become an API documentation
A .
No, not necessarily. If as a tech writer you can understand a product, you can easily become an API documentation writer. For API documentation, a writer is not required to write code but just needs to read it properly.

The API Documentation course by Tech Writer’s Tribe has trained such 60+ enthusiasts in learning API documentation skills. To know and learn more about API Documentation, refer to the course link.